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Do Corgis Shed? (All You Need To Know)

    Corgis are adorable dogs that are mostly famous for being Queen Elizabeth II’s favorites. These pooches can look quite funny, but they have all it takes to be the perfect dog for both active and more relaxed owners.

    Corgis shed all year-round, but the periods during which they do it the most are in spring and in autumn. This is due to the fact that they have a double-layer coat that keeps them warm during the cold winters. Just before summertime, Corgis will lose all of their undercoat, so that they won’t suffer the heat.

    In this article, we will go through all the best ways to cope with a Corgi shedding and what to expect. We will also show you the tools you should use on a Corgi to maintain her coat clean and healthy. By the end of this post, you will know if this pooch is the right choice for you.

    do corgis shed?

    How Bad Do Corgis Shed?

    Corgis are considered heavy-shedders because of their thick coat, made of two layers. They were originally used as herding dogs in Wales, where temperatures could be quite low during the winter. There are two types of Corgis that were bred in that area, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi and the Cardigan Welsh Corgi.

    Both types of Corgis have the double layer coat and there isn’t much difference when it comes to maintaining them. If you want to have a Corgi in your life, you need to be ready to deal with a considerable amount of hair. Nonetheless, these pooches are not the only dogs that shed a lot.

    Golden Retrievers, Huskies, Pomeranians, Labradors, German Shepherds, and Samoyeds are only some of the breeds that have a similar type of coat as Corgis. Even dogs with one layer of coat can shed quite a lot in Spring and in Autumn.

    Shedding is something you just have to put up with if you have a dog. There are some tips and tricks, though, that can make the shedding of a Corgi quite manageable without too much hassle.

    do corgis shed

    Is Shedding A Normal Process?

    Most dogs shed at least twice a year, in response to changes in daylight or temperature. This is perfectly normal, and there’s no need to be alarmed. However, if your dog is shedding more than usual, it could be a sign of an underlying health problem.

    If you notice that your dog is shedding excessively, contact your veterinarian for advice. Excessive shedding can be caused by a variety of factors, including allergies, parasites, and hormonal imbalances. By ruling out these potential causes, your veterinarian can help you determine the best course of action for your furry friend.

    How Do I Stop My Corgi From Shedding?

    There is no way to stop a Corgi, or any other dog, from shedding. It is something that happens naturally to almost all pooches and it is necessary for them to have an ideal body temperature all year round.

    That said, you shouldn’t worry too much about the shedding of your Corgi because there are tools that can make your life with a dog much easier.

    We will also give you some useful suggestions on how to treat your Corgi’s coat so that it will be well-groomed without too much effort. There are a few things you can do to help reduce the amount of shedding.

    First, make sure your Corgi is getting plenty of exercise. A stressed dog will shed more than a dog that is relaxed and happy. Second, give your Corgi a good bath every 6 or 8 weeks during the shedding seasons (spring and autumn).

    This will help to remove the dead hairs from your Corgi’s coat. Finally, brush your Corgi regularly with a slicker brush. This will help to get rid of the excess hair and stimulate new growth.

    By following these simple tips, you can help keep under control the amount of shedding of your Corgi.

    do corgis shed

    Brushing A Corgi In The Right Way

    The most important thing to do when Corgis start to shed is to brush them regularly. This way you will prevent the formation of mats and will keep his coat healthy and shiny. The minimum amount of times you should brush your pooch is three times a week.

    During the shedding seasons (spring and autumn) this routine should be daily in order not only to have your Corgi looking great but also to avoid as much as possible having hairs flying around the house.

    The best way to brush a Corgi that is shedding is by starting from his legs and moving towards the body. As we said, Corgis have two coats, an undercoat, and an upper coat. The one that will get removed by brushing is the undercoat.

    This is the one that keeps the dog warm and that he won’t need during the warmer months. The undercoat is similar to wool and it can be removed quite easily with the right tools. It is important to brush in one direction and then in the opposite one so that the most amount of hair gets removed.

    The Right Tools For A Corgi That Is Shedding

    There are many brushes available in any store that sells dog products. Not all brushes, though, are suitable for a Corgi especially if he is going through one of the two main shedding periods of the year.

    If you want to remove all the dead hairs of the undercoat you will need a slicker brush to do the job properly. Just a simple brush with plastic bristles won’t be enough to get rid of all the excess hair.

    When you get the slicker brush be sure to get one that has tips on the top of the metal bristles. This way you will be sure not to hurt your pooch during the grooming session. You can start from the legs of your Corgi and then continue brushing along the body and the head.

    It is important to brush your dog completely following one direction and then starting again going the reverse way. You should brush your Corgi’s entire body at least three or four times during every grooming session.

    Some Extra Tools To Help With Your Corgi’s Shedding

    Apart from the slicker brush, there are other tools that can come in handy when you want to groom your Corgi.

    1. Stainless Steel Comb

    The first one is a stainless steel comb that is very useful to soften the undercoat and make brushing with the slicker much easier. It is important to have a comb that is stainless steel because anything else will fizz up the hairs of your pooch and won’t last very long. Buy one that has different distances between the bristles so that you can use it on the body and the head of your Corgi.

    2. Conditioner For Dogs

    If your Corgi hasn’t been brushed regularly and his coat has become a bit harsh, you can try to soften it up by using a conditioner specifically for dogs before using the brush. This way the coat will look shiny and your dog won’t suffer any discomfort when you pass the comb or the brush on him.

    Other Causes That Make Corgis Shed

    Shedding is usually something good for your dog because this makes sure he maintains an ideal temperature all year round. Shedding, though, can be caused not only by seasonality but also by other events such as:

    1. Growing up

    A Corgi puppy will start changing his coat when he is around 5 months old. It can take up to 6 months for him to gain a complete adult coat. During these months the shedding will be ongoing, but it shouldn’t worry you too much. The number of hairs flying around won’t be too many, since he is only losing his puppy coat.

    You can use a soft brush during the puppy period to remove the excess of hairs on your little one. This will also stimulate hair growth and help the puppy put on his new adult fur. Just remember to use the brush very gently, since the skin on the puppy is much more sensitive and delicate than the one of an adult dog.

    2. Estrous cycles

    Females will usually shed more than males if they have not been neutered. After every estrous cycle, in fact, it is normal for a Corgi to lose most of her coat. She will usually put on a brand new coat after a few months. Also giving birth will make the dog shed completely. It is a normal process that shouldn’t worry you. In addition, the vet can provide supplements that can help your Corgi during that period.

    3. Malnutrition

    Another reason why Corgis can shed is malnutrition. If your pooch isn’t getting all the right nutrients he needs, you will start to see him lose a lot of hair. In order to avoid such an event, always buy premium food for your Corgi. Also, take him to the vet for a complete check-up.

    Making sure your Corgi is on a healthy diet is essential to keep his coat looking great. One of the first signs of malnutrition in dogs is a general loss of hair.

    When Should You Wash A Corgi?

    If you brush your Corgi regularly, you won’t need to make him have a bath very often. Usually, taking him to the groomer once every 3 months should be enough to keep him clean and tidy. Corgis can be taken even more often to the groomer, but once every 6 weeks should be the absolute maximum.

    Bathing will help to remove any loose fur and reduce shedding. Brushing will help distribute natural oils evenly throughout the coat of your furry friend. By following these simple tips, you will be able to keep your Corgi’s shedding under control and maintain his fur healthy.

    Can People With Allergies Have A Corgi?

    People with allergies could have a hard time with Corgis, especially when they shed. This is due to the fact that they lose quite a lot of hair and are not hypoallergenic dogs. Even though it is the dander on the skin of the dog that gives allergic reactions and not the hair itself, shedding a lot will inevitably make the dander fly around.

    Alternatives For Allergic People

    Allergic people should probably try getting another dog breed that gives fewer allergic reactions. A Maltese or a Poodle could be some good alternatives.

    Do Corgis Shed? Final Thoughts

    The answer, simply put, is yes, Corgis do shed. They are, in fact, considered to be a heavy-maintenance breed when it comes to shedding. Be ready to find plenty of Corgi hair on your clothing and furniture.

    If you are looking for a low-shedding dog, there are breeds that are better suited for that purpose. However, if you don’t mind a little shedding and are charmed by the Corgi’s unique appearance, then this may be the breed for you.

    Corgis are a type of dog that belongs to the herding group, and as such, they have a thick coat of fur that helps protect them from the elements. This coat sheds throughout the year, with the heaviest shedding taking place in spring and fall.

    During these times, you may find yourself vacuuming more frequently to remove the excess fur from your home. However, regular grooming can help reduce shedding and keep your Corgi’s coat healthy and looking its best.

    Corgis Have Double Layer Coats

    Corgis are renowned for their fluffy coats. Despite their small size, they have a lot of hair, which can be a major downside for owners who don’t enjoy dealing with shedding. There are a few reasons why Corgis shed so much. First, they have double coats, which means they have an inner layer of fur that is shorter and denser, as well as an outer layer of longer guard hairs.

    This heavy coat helps to protect them from both cold weather and pests. Second, Corgis shed more during the spring and fall as they adjust to the changing seasons. Additionally, some Corgis may shed excessively due to poor diet or medical conditions.

    Other reasons for excessive shedding can be caused by puppies growing and changing their coat, and hormonal imbalance due to estrous cycles. While there’s no way to stop a Corgi from shedding, regular grooming can help to minimize the amount of hair that ends up in your home.