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Home » Yorkie Husky Mix. All You Need To Know.

Yorkie Husky Mix. All You Need To Know.

    A Yorkie Husky mix is a dog that not many people have ever seen walking around. It is very unlikely that a breeder would put together these two pooches. In addition, the chances of “accidental breeding” are also quite scarce. Nonetheless, this doesn’t mean that Yorkie Husky mixes don’t exist.

    The Yorkie Husky mix would very likely be a dog with a strong personality and a fierce spirit. Both breeds that make this dog are, in fact, renowned for having a high prey drive and, often, a mind of their own. Yorkshires and Huskies were originally working dogs, so you can expect a combination of these two dogs to be highly energetic.

    In this article, we will go through the main characteristic of Yorkies and Huskies and what you can expect from a mixed breed. Even though you can never be sure of the final result, there are some dominant traits that are likely to be passed on to a Yorkie Husky dog.

    yorkie husky mix

    Yorkshire Terrier

    Yorkies originated in the mid 19th century when Scottish people went to Yorkshire to work and brought with them different types of terriers. These dogs were then bred to become ratters and help miners during their daily job. This is why to this day, no squirrel or mouse can ever feel safe if a Yorkie is nearby.

    The Yorkshire Terrier is a small dog breed that should weigh anything between 4 to 7 pounds. The height can be 8 to 9 inches. These dogs are very active and despite their size are filled with energy. They are easy to train since they love to be praised and rewarded.

    Breed Characteristics

    Yorkies are smart dogs that enjoy spending as much time as possible with their loved ones. They are good with children and elderly people. They can be wary with strangers and not very interested in meeting other dogs. For this reason, it is important to make them socialize with people and animals as much as possible while they are puppies.

    Even though they are quite tiny, they still need a good amount of physical and mental stimulation. These dogs were bred for working and completing tasks, so leaving them to sleep on the couch all day is not an option. They will need to go for walks at least twice a day and they need to be able to run as well.

    If they don’t get the amount of exercise they need, they usually become yappy and there won’t be much you can do to keep them quiet. As we said before, Yorkies want to be with their human family as much as possible. They cannot be left alone for long hours, as they often develop separation anxiety. This means that you can expect them to bark when you are not with them. They can also become destructive and chew pieces of your furniture to relieve their stress.


    According to the American Kennel Club standards, the coat of a Yorkshire Terrier should be straight, silky, and of fine texture. Yorkies are often seen having striking long coats that touch the floor and a parted down the middle of their back. Ideally, it should be grey or black from the neck to the tail and a rich tan color on the head, chest, and legs.

    Keeping such a coat in good condition can be overwhelming for most owners. This is why many people prefer to cut the hairs of their pooch to a couple of inches long. This way they will be easy to maintain without too much effort. Brushing them once a week with a soft brush will be enough. Yorkies with long coats will instead need to be brushed daily, often with the aid of specific oils that will help prevent mats and knots.

    Yorkies with short hair don’t require frequent baths. Once every two months will be enough for them. Things are quite different for a Yorkshire with a long coat. Keeping him clean can be quite a challenge and be prepared to take him for a bath once a week.


    Yorkies are generally healthy little dogs that can live up to 20 years. This is especially true if they are bred by certified breeders that follow the AKC guidelines for responsible breeding. Nonetheless, there are health conditions that can affect a Yorkie. The most common ones are:

    Siberian Husky

    Huskies are considered an “ancient breed” since their genetic heritage has remained the same throughout the centuries. These dogs have not been cross-bred by humans to make them more domesticated and have maintained many of their wild features.

    Huskies are not easy to train and have a will of their own. This doesn’t mean they are not smart. Quite the contrary. They won’t just blindly obey a command unless they think it is worth their while to do so. For this reason, it is important for a husky owner to be a strong leader. Obedience classes are also recommended from a very early age.

    yorkie husky mix

    Breed Characteristics

    Huskies were originally used as work dogs to pull sleds through the snow in North-Eastern Asia. Today, you can still see huskies doing that in many parts of the world, but mostly for recreational purposes. Nonetheless, this means that huskies are energetic dogs that need to do a lot of physical activity.

    These dogs need to go running daily. Just taking them out for a walk twice a day will not be enough. They also need to be mentally stimulated by playing games. This way they won’t get bored and misbehave. Huskies often suffer from separation anxiety and cannot be left alone in the house. They will start to vocalize or bark and they’ll most likely tear down bits of your furniture.


    Huskies are renowned for their smashing coat that doesn’t have equals in the canine world. It is made of 2 layers, an undercoat, and a topcoat. The undercoat feels like wool and protects the body from the cold. The topcoat is made of straight guard hairs that are a few inches long and protect the dog’s skin.

    Huskies are considered high shedders because twice a year they will lose all of their undercoats. This will happen in spring when they will lose the heavy winter one, and in autumn, when they will get rid of the light summer one. During this period you can expect to have your house and your clothes smothered in hairs.

    The only way to get through all of this is by helping your husky get rid of his undercoat by brushing him regularly. During the shedding season, you will need to brush your dog every day. The rest of the year you can make do with just 2 times a week. Get yourself a good slicker brush with tips on the bristles and a stainless steel comb. With this equipment, you will be able to remove all the loose hairs without too much effort.


    The Siberian Husky is usually a healthy breed that can live up to 14 years or more. Always get your husky through a breeder that follows the guidelines recommended by the international kennel clubs. This way you will have a puppy whose parents will have been screened for genetic disorders. The most common health issues with Siberian Huskies are:

    • Dysplasia
    • Progressive Retinal Atrophy
    • Corneal Dystrophy
    • Seizures

    Final Thoughts

    A Yorkie Husky mix could be the perfect dog for an active owner, that can provide a good amount of physical and mental stimulation. This pooch will likely turn out to be very energetic like both Huskies and Yorkies are. Grooming this dog could require quite a bit of time and effort. Huskies and Yorkies have very different coats, but they both need to be brushed regularly. During the shedding seasons, you can expect to brush this dog daily, to remove all of the dead hairs.

    Huskies and Yorkies usually suffer from separation anxiety, so you can expect even a mixed breed to have this tendency. Going to work all day and leaving this pooch alone in the house is not at all recommended. You would just end up having an unhappy dog and chewed-up pieces of furniture.